Play often to stay healthy and young at heart!

When my oldest son was a boy he was asked the common question, what do you want to be when you grow up?  With an affirmative and convicted tone he always answered, I want to play forever.  His idea of playing included, building cities with legos, drawing cartoon characters on the chalkboard wall, writing, filming and producing a silly skit and as he grew older the playing became very physical and more extreme.

While my boys were young, I too played with them, baseball, basketball, bike rides, long walks in the park . . .   As they spent more time at school or doing school work I stopped playing.  Somewhere during that incredibly busy time that all mothers (and most people) experience, I forgot what playing looked like.  I began to feel old and out of date, like expired, sour milk.  I have dedicated the last 9 months to saying yes to all that is possible.  Yes to hiking for days, yes to riding roller coasters, yes to water skiing.

If you page through my blog you will see multiple play dates over the last couple of months.  This last weekend was spent playing with my girl Tiffany.  Of the multiple things that we did, my favorite by far was jet skiing!


 Lake Mead is a very large body of water, clear and refreshing!  Tiffany and I motored around for 4 hours. We had the pleasure of seeing mating birds and ducks as well as watching wild burro.  We also found a nice sandy beach and sat down to eat our lunch.  Safety tips: plenty of sun screen and gallons of water!!

It is no secret that my days are not complete without the aid of some pretty fantastic vitamins. We not only use the USANA products daily but we want our friends and family to benefit from the supplements as well. Our website, just click on the link, CoachClayton offers a free health assessment.  Before you place any order, be sure to contact me for the best pricing!


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